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Introduction of a company

Mohit Ab Consulting Engineering Company


Mohit Ab Consulting Engineering Company was founded in year 2009 with the registration number of 336424 in Industrial Ownership and Companies registration office in Iran. The company was established and registered with the aim of fulfilling services such as consultation, Designing, and observation on plans and projects regarding water and waste water industry and environment.The founders of the company ,from the very first steps, have tried their best to become an active consulting company in environment and water engineering fields. In this direction, designing a clear and firm strategy along with defining and making essential infrastructure in order to make a system to categorize professions, designing methodology to perform determined tasks, and employing experienced, and fully skilled experts have been put in our agenda. Based on above mentioned activities, our consulting engineering company has obtained the certificate of eligibility from strategic observation and technical deputy of the president to perform consultation in water and waste water and environment fields.

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Board of Directors

Human Resource is the most important capital in an engineering company. Based on this fact, Mohit Ab Gostar Consulting Engineering Company has employed qualified and knowledgeable engineers. There are also several professors from reputable universities in Iran who cooperate with our company directly.

Roozbeh Akbari

CEO and a board member

Master of Civil Engineering in water branch

Rohham Akbari

chairman of the board

Master of Civil Engineering in water branch

Elham Golchoubian

Planning and Development Deputy

Master of Civil Engineering in water branch

Majid Akbari

Technical and Engineering Deputy

BS Civil Engineering

Fatemeh Razavian

Vice chairman of the board

Phd, Enviroment Management

Technical Engineering and Design Division


Administrative and support department


Performance of Company and Employers

Mohit Ab Gostar Consulting Engineering Company

Mohit Ab Gostar Consulting Engineering Company has done its best to attract employers’ satisfaction right after starting its activities seriously in water and waste water and environment fields. Mohit Ab Gostar Engineering Company has ,indeed attracted employers’ satisfaction by performing projects as qualified as possible and at a very proper time. Based on above mentioned principles, Mohit Ab Gostar Company has been able to keep on cooperation with employers successfully. The company has also been successful to transfer its precious experience to new employers and this action has ,in fact caused to make a collection of various employers and the result is increasing the number of contracts and expert work force after 2017.

Graph of relative percentage of contracts between 2012 and 2021


Mohit Ab Gostar Consulting Engineering Company has had successful and continuous cooperation with many institutions, offices, organizations, subsidiary companies, ministry of power, ministry of the interior, ministry of mine and industry, ministry of health and education ,and environment organization.


Honors and Certificates

Honors of Mohit Ab Gostar Consulting Engineering Company